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African Safaris

Have you ever had your soul feel so full, joyful and peaceful the moment your vacation starts?
That’s what happened to me on my first trip to Africa. I recently returned from a Safari in Kenya and I cannot wait to return. The people were warm and friendly and the animals were incredible to see in their natural habitat. But the biggest surprise for me was the scenery. I never imagined the landscape could be that beautiful and no one mentions it.
Our group saw four out of five of the “big five” missing only the elusive leopard. As amazing as ALL the animal sightings were, for me, nothing compares to the giraffes. To watch them roam freely, walking by you or stopping for a drink nearby, and to see their heads pop up above the trees in the distance is an incredible memory I will cherish for my lifetime.
This should be on everyone’s bucket list - and I feel it should be at the very top. The best way to experience this is in a small group. this will help keep your expenses down and bond with family or friends - new and old.
I plan to return soon... join me or I can help create your own group. Your soul deserves to go on this trip.

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